Friday, 4 July 2014

Hi everyone sorry I've not updated recently but I have done some stitching just not posted it but I'm going to need help and encouragement with my new project.
It's Dimensions Sleigh Ride Tree Skirt and it's a little on the big side 48 x 50 inches so not the easiest to hold never mind work on.
The 1st photo is how it SHOULD look and the 2nd is when I got set to start


Mii Stitch said...

Wow!! This look HUGE!! It will look wonderful I'm sure :) Good luck!!

Shebafudge said...

Well that should keep you out of mischief!

The Knitting Cross Stitcher said...

It is going to be lovely to follow your progress on this project.I am looking forward to your updates :)

Brigitte said...

This will be a great tree skirt. BUt a really huge design.

Julie said...

Super project, going to enjoy seeing this grow and develop.... happy stitching!