First off let me thank those who have visited and made such nice comments on my efforts.
I've been told by a friend who hasn't commented I should give a bit more info about myself so here goes.
My teachers gave up trying to teach me cross stitch when I was at school and let me do knitting or crochet instead I've been knitting since I was little and can't remember when I started but my first needles were wooden ones my dad made for me as I wanted to knit like mummy.
I taught myself to crochet when I was about 12 as I wanted a crochet waistcoat then I taught my mum.
I finished my first ever piece of cross stitch in April 2013 the little basket of roses when a friend sent me a couple of kits to try as I was looking for a new hobby.
I was 64 yrs young last July so disproving the old saying "you can't teach an old dog new tricks " :-) :-) :-)
Wow, I am stunned that you have only just started stitching :) What took you so long? :) lol!
I am so pleased that you have not only found the most wonderful hobby of cross stitching, but now you are blogging so we can enjoy your new found love too!
Hugs x
I gave up trying when my school teachers told me I'd never stitch a design as I had no idea how to follow a chart and to be honest I don't follow them as most stitchers do I start at top or bottom and work from an edge after counting and re counting to get it approximately central but don't tell anyone that lol
Well done you! I have my own method too, I do complete cross stitches where most people do one stitch then come back along the row and complete it. I always start from the top left and work down too. Hey, it's whatever works, Pam!
well done on all counts ... heheh teaching yourself to stitch and also to blog ... welcome to the blogging world ... Jo sent me ....your Alsatian is gorgeous :)
I have just re learnt to crochet ... but still can't knit love mouse xxxxx
Well done on learning something new. I'm a knitter and cross stitcher, recently learnt basics in crochet and we soon have a new craft group commencing at our community centre so hoping to learn lots more from fellow crafters.
Hi Julie I wish there was a group near me there's several other crafts I'd like a go at but no idea how to do them.
Think I might have to see about starting one myself :-) put adds in post office and paper shop
Just started stitching AND blogging! Definitely can teach an old dog new tricks. Not that I am calling you an old dog. Oh heck, I'm going before I cause!
Hi Shebafudge takes a lot more than that to offend me after all I said it first.
Can't believe all the lovely comments I'm getting thank you all xxx
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