Friday, 21 February 2014

Cross stitch finished

Hi all you lovely people who take the time to come and look at my attempts.
I finished the cross stitching very early this morning like 1am but was so close I couldn't leave it.
Now there's all the back stitching to do but that will have to wait I've got my grandson coming today until sunday afternoon and going on holiday on Monday.
I've got a small kit sorted to take with me so will post about that if I get a chance while away or when I get back if I can't get on line while away.

Saturday, 15 February 2014

A bit more done

Hi all I've managed a bit more this week but still a good bit of cross stitching to do and then LOADS of back stitching.
 I'm doing this for a friend who couldn't do it she had made a right mess of the bit she had started.
Silly me said I'll do it.
I didn't know there could be so many fractional stitches in one piece. 
Row upon row of top half, bottom half. Left side right side and stitches that straddle between 2 split stitches covering the holes in middle.
Oh well as I'm at the bottom on right corner there can't be that many more of them I'm sure (well I hope there isn't) 

Saturday, 8 February 2014

This weeks Stitching

Well this is an update on this weeks stitching hopefully you can see it's grown a little bit. I dont expect to do much over weekend as I've got my young grandson coming for a sleep over

Thursday, 6 February 2014

First off let me thank those who have visited and made such nice comments on my efforts.
I've been told by a friend who hasn't commented I should give a bit more info about myself so here goes.
My teachers gave up trying to teach me cross stitch when I was at school and let me do knitting or crochet instead I've been knitting since I was little and can't remember when I started but my first needles were wooden ones my dad made for me as I wanted to knit like mummy.
I taught myself to crochet when I was about 12 as I wanted a crochet waistcoat then I taught my mum.
I finished my first ever piece of cross stitch in April 2013 the little basket of roses when a friend sent me a couple of kits to try as I was looking for a new hobby.
I was 64 yrs young last July so disproving the old saying "you can't teach an old dog new tricks " :-) :-) :-)

Monday, 3 February 2014


Hi as you can guess my name is Pam I've been doing cross stitch since April 2013 and I am enjoying it very much this is to share my efforts with anyone who cares to look
So thank you for taking the time
Hopefully the photos will be in the order I completed them
And as this is my first attempt at a blog I hope it works  :-)